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Blame the Sagittarian in me, but I find it hard to leave things as they are. Change in my hairstyle, change in my diet, change in where I live, change in the way I spend my time, change in my lifestyle…you get the picture. I just always wanted things to be different than they were. Last year I made many changes. I moved countries, started my own business, went back to University and survived (and on a good day - thrived!).

So I guess that brings me to another point that I am passionate about. Dreaming Big (thank you Rebecca Oakley for the journal). Without dreams and a clear vision, change can feel unsettling. For me, 2016 was totally in line with my vision and values to reconnect with my family in an every day kind of way. I ‘survived’ 2016 by living in congruence with my values, and welcoming change.

Each new year is an opportunity to review our values, assess our limitations and set new goals that allow us to shine our light.

My revised goals include; more alcohol free days (AFDs), more consistent exercise and more wellness coaching practice. I feel these elements will positively affect my body, mind and spirit.

To kick off 2017, I am offering to coach six people for free (valued at $975 each). Do you know someone who might benefit from an attentive and caring coach? Why not gift them the opportunity? Message me.

What vision and goals have you set for yourself? The side bar to the right references some tools I've found helpful over the years to define my vision and values. If that looks like too much effort for now - reflect on the following questions...

What activities in or out of work are meaningful to you?

How can you create more time for these activities?

From where you are now, what would be a first step that you could feel good about?

Welcome to my world! I hope you find my Wellness posts helpful. Feel free to connect with me anytime. You can email me at

Next month we'll take a look at creating healthy habits.

With love always

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